Friday, 29 July 2011

Two great podcasts

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Two great podcasts have featured tracks by Secret Archives of the Vatican this week:

Both tracks are from our album Barbary Lion which you can find HERE. It's available on a name-your-own-price basis and can be free if you don't want to pay.


Monday, 25 July 2011

Don't be fooled by mp3PRO

It's long been known that the old record industry cynically resold back catalogue to music fans each time a new format came along. Why invest in developing new artists when you could resell Pink Floyd, The Beatles and Elvis?

Digital media arrived and started a revolution. Initially CDs were simply the latest medium with which to resell old music to the public. When recordable digital media arrived in the public domain the music industry freaked out.

Digital Audio Tape (DAT) was capable of recording at above CD sound quality. The record labels simply said they would never release anything in the format because they didn't want people having the ability to accurately copy CDs. No releases meant no market for player/recorders. DAT rapidly became a format for recording studios only.

At the same time, there was a conceptual battle happening among music listeners. Did they want awesome sound quality or portability?

DVD Audio, which contained uncompressed, full surround, 24 bit, full bandwidth audio, lasted about a week. It was the nearest the public will ever get to the sound heard in a recording studio. The 5.1 audio on DVD films is 24 bit but has gone through some data compression. The stereo track is usually better, 24 uncompressed, but it's only stereo.

The public voted for portability. The arrival of mp3 and, shortly thereafter, broadband Internet, killed decent audio for the general public. We chose crap but portable. The age of the mp3 was upon us.

We get used to crap. Every so often, I play a CD through my hifi or in my recording studio of some music I've been listening to in 320kbps format in my phone. I am always staggered by how much is missing from the mp3s. Sounds fine at the time - but go play the CD! There is no comparison.

Well, we're about to be sold another pile of cack called mp3PRO. The name implies that it's better than mp3, doesn' t it? Basically, someone has come up with a way to make lower bit rate mp3s (lower than 128 kbps), which usually sound appalling, sound a bit better.

The reason that mp3s at these lower bit rates sound shit is that they run out of bits to compress the music in full audio bandwidth and with significant detail. The developers of mp3 had to decide whether their codec should produce mp3 music with distortion (coding artefacts) or with limited bandwidth. They opted for limited bandwidth. As a result, you experience lower bit rate mp3 as band-limited music with relatively little perceived distortion. All very clever.

To improve the sound quality of mp3 at lower bit rates, Coding Technologies has developed an enhancement technology that gives back to the sound the high frequency components. The technology is called 'Spectral Band Replication' (SBR). SBR is a very efficient method to generate the high frequency components of an audio signal.

Combining mp3 with the SBR enhancement technology generates an audio signal with high bandwidth at low bit rates. Mp3PRO is composed out of two components, the mp3 part for the low frequencies and the SBR or 'PRO' part for the high frequencies. Since the 'PRO' part requires only a few kbps, the format is still compatible with the original mp3 format. This fact allows existing mp3 players to play mp3PRO files. They simply ignore the PRO part.

So - don't be fooled into thinking mp3PRO is somehow better than mp3 or is a later, higher quality, version. No, it's a way to make poorer quality mp3s sound better. The files end up about half the size of an average quality mp3.

This new combined format will be a temporary stop gap until the mobile-player manufacturers start trying to out-do each other withproper, full quality audio downloads. With memory capacity and available bandwidth growing constantly and the advent of 'cloud' libraries, there is no reason (other than bloody-minded obstruction by the few remaining big record companies) for music not to be distributed in 24 bit WAV quality or even better multi-channel surround formats.

Broken Drum Records

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Bury My Heart - Secret Archives of the Vatican Podcast 56

Here's another episode of our most excellent podcast!

Bury My Heart - Secret Archives of the Vatican Podcast 56 is available from:


Bury My Heart

  1. Al Khider (The Green Man)
    Celt Islam
  2. Rewolucja w Nas (Celt Islam Sufi Dub)
  3. Lhassa (Barbes D Remix)
  4. Nectar (Psymbionic Remix)
    Sub Swara
  5. Dub Arab
  6. Egyptian Dub
    Baby Beans
  7. Prophets and Warriors
    Thousand Yard Prayer
  8. Sallah Adin
    Moskauer Bluthund
  9. Caged Lion - Dubstep Remix
    Cosmosis and D3viant

Sunday, 17 July 2011

How do we market our new album? Part 6

Barbary Lion has now been out for about three weeks. Downloads are in triple figures and about one in seven downloaders is choosing to pay. Most seem to be paying about $5, which is roughly what we would have expected to receive from a sale of a CD through a shop back in the days of physical product.

Barbary Lion

As well as using Bandcamp as our main outlet, we use a company called Tunecore to place the album on the commercial download sites. It takes a variable amount of time to show up on the sites, for example, iTunes was very quick indeed, Spotify and Napster were pretty quick and we're still waiting for it to show up on Amazon US or Amazon UK.

iTunes gets a lot of stick but they do pay one of the best rates back to the artists.

We've not much in the way of reviews yet, just one on the Netlabelism site by well-known podcaster Pete Cogle and one on a Hungarian site. We're starting to have tunes played on podcasts, though, which is great. The podcasters and their listeners are enthusiastic music fans so we know the tunes will be listened to - people don't tend to use podcasts as mere background like they do with broadcast radio.

So, some positive progress!

Barbary Lion

How do we market our new album? Part 5
How do we market our new album? Part 4
How do we market our new album? Part 3
How do we market our new album? Part 2
How do we market our new album? Part 1

Sacred Place - Secret Archives of the Vatican Podcast 55

Sacred Place - Secret Archives of the Vatican Podcast 55 is now available from:

Sacred Place

  1. Middle Ground
  2. Desert Heat
    Cern and Nymfo
  3. Pyramid Climbing
  4. Follow That Camel
    Eat Static
  5. Ravens Will Feed You
    Secret Archives of the Vatican
  6. Mehraab
    Loga Ramin Torkian
  7. Pantheon of Abscence
  8. Somniloquy
    Alexis K

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Barbary Lion review - in Hungarian.....

We found this review of Secret Archives of the Vatican's recent release, Barbary Lion, on a Hungarian blog HERE.

A Secret Archives Of The Vatican zenekar valójában London híres-neves Croydon kerületébe való, ráadásul az ezáltal szinte kötelező dubstepes hatást keleti: arab és indiai zenével keveri. Kemény dobok, röfögő basszusok, valamint tabla, szitár, lant, vonósok hallhatók a Barbary Lion című új, innen letölthető lemezükön. A magát "transglobal breakbeat dub science" stílusba soroló zenekar nem is akarja letagadni, hogy hatottak rá a kilencvenes évek keleti+elektronikus zene fúziói, de attól még érdemes meghallgatni, így például kifejezetten szellemes a tabla, a breakbeat és a dubstep-basszus összjátéka. Az album második fele eldowntempósodik és le is ül egy kicsit, de még így is ajánlott, pláne, hogy ingyen is a miénk lehet, ha a mennyit fizetsz? kérdésre 0-t válaszolunk. (A Secret Archives Of Vatican is blogol arról, hogy hogyan próbálják terjeszteni lemezük hírét az interneten.)

The very wonderful Google Translate, translates it thus:

The Vatican Secret Archives Of The London band really famous districts of Croydon, in addition to the must-order effect dubstepes East: Arabic and Indian music mixes. Hard drums, bass and grunt, and tabla, sitar, lute, strings can be heard in the Barbary Lion's new album can be downloaded from here. In his "trans global breakbeat dub science" style classifying band does not want to deny that influenced him in the nineties east + electronic music mergers, but it's worth listening, such as specially wit the tabla, breakbeat and dubstep, bass interplay. The album's second half eldowntempósodik and you can sit a bit, but it is still recommended, especially to ours can be free even if you pay how much? 0-t answer your question. (Secret Archives Of The Vatican is also blogging about how to try to spread word about the album online.)

Barbary Lion

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Ravens Will Feed You - Secret Archives of the Vatican Podcast 54

Ravens Will Feed You - Secret Archives of the Vatican Podcast 54 is now available to download from:

Ravens Will Feed You


  1. One Inch Punch
  2. When Acting as a Squarewave
  3. Hunter's Moon
    Secret Archives of the Vatican
  4. Kush
    Lokrian and Fish Finger
  5. The Destroyer of Worlds feat. Sick Since
    Amos the Ancient Prophet
  6. Curse of the Cleric feat. IDE
    Akashik Ancestorz
  7. The Judgment
  8. Laughing Buddha (Sub Swara Remix)
  9. Surah Yasin (Mexicans with Guns remix)
    Aaron Pena
  10. The Nature of Dying

Broken Drum Records